Mental Health Awareness Resources In Kentucky

Emergency Hotlines

Non-Emergency Numbers

Non-Emergency Substance Abuse Assistance or 1-833-8KYHELP aka 1-833-859-4357


Non-Emergency Warm Lines

Feeling down, but not thinking about suicide? Feeling lonely and just need to talk to someone today? Warmlines are available just for you.


New Vista (formerly Area:

Kentucky STARS Warmline: 1-877-840-5167


Other Areas: has a list of them all across the country.

Mental Health Providers

emtClick for:
DBHDID Provider Directory by County & Service
DBHDID Crisis Lines by County in Kentucky


Federal Resource:
SAMHSA’s FindTreatment.Gov


Veterans-Only Resource List compiled by WHAS11 in 2019


Sliding Scale Mental Health Providers:
The Harris Center at University of Kentucky
Spalding University Center for Behavioral Health
Community Mental Health Centers (see crisis line link above)


Eating Disorder Treatment and Support:

Louisville Center for Eating Disorders


Autism Spectrum Disorder Resources:

University of Kentucky Healthcare

Centro de Recuroses de Salud Mental en Español

Finding Help


When your mental health is off, you want to get help to make it better. Fortunately, there are a wide range of treatments and supports. Unfortunately, they can be hard to find or pay for. The mental health system can be tricky. If your insurance company has denied your treatment plan, if you’re unsatisfied with your treatment, or if you need help with medication, we’re here to help.

Mental Health America of Kentucky

How to Use Your Mental Health Insurance

Your Right to Mental Health Care:

  • State hospital or emergency room for emergency care and evaluation.
  • Community Mental Health Centers for crisis hotlines and outpatient care.
  • Parity laws for private and public insurance.

Su derecho a cuidado de salud mental:

  • Hospital estatal o sala de emergencias para cuidado y evaluación de emergencia.
  • Centros comunitarios de salud mental para servicio ambulatorio y para líneas directas para asistencia inmediata.
  • Leyes de paridad para la seguranza privada y la seguranza pública.

Let’s Come to Terms:

  • MENTAL HEALTH: When we talk about mental health, we’re talking about our mental well-being: our emotions, our thoughts and feelings, our ability to solve problems and overcome difficulties, our social connections, and our understanding of the world around us.
  • MENTAL ILLNESS: A mental illness is an illness the affects that way people think, feel, behave, or interact with others. There are many different mental illnesses, and they have different symptoms that impact peoples’ lives in different ways.
  • BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: A blanket term for healthy behaviors that includes mental health and substance abuse, but also behavior choices for management of chronic disease such as diabetes.
  • SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Daily activity is impaired by thinking about, getting, or using a substance. Chemicals in the brain rewire to need the drug.
  • SUBSTANCE MISUSE: Using a medication or substance in a way other than it was intended. Day-to-day activities continue, not a chemical addiction.

A entender los términos…

  • SALUD MENTAL: Cuando hablamos de salud mental, hablamos de nuestro bienestar mental: las emociones, los pensamientos y sentimientos, nuestra capacidad de resolver problemas y superar a las dificultades, nuestras conexiones sociales, y nuestro entendimiento del mundo alrededor de nosotros.
  • ENFERMEDAD MENTAL: Una enfermedad mental es una enfermedad que afecta la manera en que una persona piensa, se siente, se comporta, o interactúa con otros. Hay muchas enfermedades mentales diferentes, y tienen diferentes síntomas que tienen impacto diferente en la vida de una persona por diferente maneras.
  • SALUD CONDUCTUAL: Un término general para conducta sana que incluye salud mental y abuso de sustancias, pero también elecciones sanas para el manejo de enfermedades crónicas como el diabetes.
  • ABUSO DE SUSTANCIAS– El pensar, conseguir, o usar una sustancia altera la actividad diaria. Químicas en el cerebro programan para requerir la droga.
  • MAL USO DE SUSTANCIAS– Usar un medicamento o una sustancia en una manera aparte de la destinada. Actividades diarias siguen, no una adicción química.​

What Is Parity?

  • Mental health parity describes the equal treatment of mental health conditions and substance use disorders in insurance plans.

¿Qué es la paridad?

  • La paridad de salud mental: cuando los planes de seguro tratan igualmente a las condiciones de salud mental y los trastornos del uso de sustancias.

Who Must Follow Federal Parity?

  • Group health plans for employers with 51 or more employees.
  • Most group health plans for employers with 50 or fewer employees unless they have been “grandfathered,” which means it was created before the federal parity laws went into effect.
  • The Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.
  • Medicaid Managed Care Plans (MCOs).
  • State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (S-CHIP).
  • Some state and local government health plans.
  • Any health plans purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplaces.
  • Most individual and group health plans purchased outside the Health Insurance Marketplaces unless “grandfathered.”
  • Health plans that do not have to follow federal parity include:
    • Medicare (except for Medicare’s cost-sharing for outpatient mental health services do comply with parity).
    • Medicaid fee-for-service plans.
    • “Grandfathered” individual and group health plans that were created and purchased before March 23, 2010.
    • Plans who received an exemption based on increase of costs related to parity.

If you are unsure about what type of plan you have, ask your insurance carrier or agent, your plan administrator, or your human resources department.

¿Quién tiene que seguir la paridad federal?

  • Planes de salud en grupo para empleadores con 51 o más empleados.
  • La mayoría de los planes médicos en grupo para empleadores con 50 o menos empleados a menos que se los han eximido, que significa que se los creó antes de que tenían efecto las leyes federales de paridad.
  • El Programa de beneficios de salud para empleados federales.
  • Los planes de cuidado Medicaid manejado (MCOs por sus siglas en inglés).
  • Los programas estatales de seguro médico para niños (S-CHIP por sus siglas en inglés).
  • Algunos planes medicos del gobierno estatal o local.
  • Cualquier plan médico que se compra por el Mercado federal de seguros de salud.
  • La mayoría de los planes médicos individuales o en grupo que se compra fuera del Mercado de seguros de salud, a no ser que sean eximidos.
  • Los planes médicos que no tienen que seguir la paridad federal incluyen:
    • Medicare (excepto costos compartidos de Medicare para servicios ambulatorios de salud mental– estos no cumplen con la paridad).
    • Los planes Medicaid “tarifa por servicio”.
    • Los planes médicos eximidos individuales y en grupo que se creó y se compró antes del 23 de marzo, 2010.
    • Los planes que recibieron exención basada en el aumento de costos relacionado con la paridad.

Si no está seguro de qué tipo de plan tiene, pregunte a su compañía o agente de seguros, el administrador de su plan, o su departamento de recursos humanos.

Medicaid Coverage for Mental Health

  • Recently approved methadone treatment.
  • Cover most substance abuse treatment options (
  • Coverage of visits at a psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, or other approved provider type for most diagnoses.
  • Will be different under every insurance plan.

Cobertura para salud mental por Medicaid

  • Tratamiento methadone recientemente aprobado.
  • Cubre la mayoría de optiones para tratamiento del abuso de sustancias (
  • Cobertura de visitas al psiquiatra, psicólogo, trabajador social clínico licenciado, o otro tipo de proveedor aprobado para la mayoría de diagnoses.
  • Va a ser diferente bajo cada plan de seguranza.

Private Insurance Coverage

  • May have a different phone number for “behavioral health” or “mental health” on the back of your card.
  • May send you to a contracted insurance plan with a different name.
  • Rules of copays, out-of-pocket minimums and maximums and all that will likely apply.
  • Most types of medications will be covered. Prior Authorization is common. Cheaper, generic drugs first is also common.

Cobertura por seguranza privada

  • Puede tener un número diferente de teléfono para “behavioral health” (salud conductual) o para “mental health” (salud mental) en el lado de atrás de su tarjeta.
  • Puede mandarle a un plan contratado de seguro con nombre diferente.
  • Reglas de copagos, mínimos y máximos de gastos de su bolsa, todo que probablemente va a aplicar.
  • Se va a cubrir la mayoría de los tipos de medicamentos. Autorizacion prior es comun. Cubrir drogas más baratas o genéricas también es comun.

Contact Us

Want More Information?

Mental Illnesses are brain-based conditions that affect thinking, emotions, and behaviors. Since we all have brains – having some kind of mental health problem during your life is really common. No matter what kind of mental health problem someone is facing, it is always possible to get better. If you think you’re experiencing a mental illness, try to find any kind of support earlier than later. Like other illness, treating mental illnesses early can help you get better faster.

We welcome the opportunity to assist you! We are available via phone, text, and email most weekdays. Please call 859.684.7778 or email if you have urgent questions that are not covered here at this time!

    *This form is not intended for submission of personal medical information.

    Mental Health America of Kentucky Donations