Adult Mental Health First Aid

Adult Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance abuse disorders. This training gives you the skills you need to reach out.

BIPOC Mental Health Month

BIPOC Mental Health Month – Black, Indigenous, People of Color Mental Health Month – began under this name in 2020.

Mental Health Month

Since 1949, Mental Health America and our affiliates across the country have led the observance of May is Mental Health Month by reaching millions of people through the media, local events and screenings.

Mental Health Screenings

The MHA Mental Health Screenings are online versions of official screening tools. In some instances, the wording has been altered slightly for clarity.

Pride In Your Mental Health

People who have a different sexual orientation or gender identity from most people fall under the umbrella term LGBTQ+.


QPR is a 60 minute suicide prevention training that has been proven to save lives. You will learn to ask the Question: “Are you thinking about suicide”.

Recent Presentations

Having poor overall health can make recovery harder. Finding ways to take care of your health can aid your recovery and help you feel better.

The Bell Podcast

The Bell Podcast is produced by Mental Health America of Kentucky. Listen to ``What Happens When You Call A Crisis Line?`` and more.

Valentine’s Day Project 2022

Complete an anonymous valentine to a patient in one of Kentucky’s state mental health hospitals. Donations per valentine are appreciated, but not required.

Workplace Mental Health

Mental Health America of Kentucky recognizes the psychological impact that workplaces can have on their employees.

Youth Back To School

Back to School Toolkits released by MHA National every autumn for the start of the new school year providing free resources, tools, tips, and information.

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in youth.

First Episode Psychosis

This virtual learning series aims to enhance the services First Episode Psychosis teams provide, as well as to build awareness and education in areas of the state without current FEP teams.

2024 System of Care Academy

The System of Care Academy celebrated its 10th anniversary with the theme Celebrating our System of Care: Past, Present & Future. We are pleased to offer recordings of these webinars for further viewing.

Bright Futures in Mental Health 2025

Save the Date for our upcoming luncheon in celebration of Mental Health Month and the bright futures in the mental health field! Join us Friday May 16th, 2025 in Frankfort, KY.

2025 Academic Scholarships

We are pleased to offer two scholarship opportunities to Kentucky students pursuing careers in the mental health field.

Contact Us

Want More Information?

Mental illnesses are brain-based conditions that affect thinking, emotions, and behaviors. Since we all have brains – having some kind of mental health problem during your life is really common. No matter what kind of mental health problem someone is facing, it is always possible to get better. If you think you’re experiencing a mental illness, try to find any kind of support earlier than later. Like other illness, treating mental illnesses early can help you get better faster.

We welcome the opportunity to assist you! We are available via phone, text, and email most weekdays. Please call 859.684.7778 or email if you have urgent questions that are not covered here at this time!

    *This form is not intended for submission of personal medical information.

    Mental Health America of Kentucky Donations